Bunting Supports Brazilian University Understand Shape Anisotropy and Magnetic Texture

Bunting is supporting an international study into shape anisotropy and magnetic texture determination in anisotropic and isotropic AlNiCo magnets.  The research project is being undertaken by Professor Marcos Flavio de Campos, Leonardo Martins da Silva and José Adilson de Castro of the Federal Fluminense University, along with Dr Sergio Antonio Romero of the University of…

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AlNiCo Magnets and Music Revolution

AlNiCo Magnets and Music Revolution

AlNiCo pickup magnets played a huge part in the development of modern electric guitar sounds.  Guitar manufacturers and musicians discovered that even on the same guitar, switching out different AlNiCo alloys resulted in drastically different musical tones.  Indeed, the use of certain AlNiCo pickups is responsible for the signature sounds associated with 50s and 60s…

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AlNiCo Magnet Setter Development

Bunting Magnetics Magnetisers

Bunting engineers have developed a new Magnet Setter for AlNiCo magnets. AlNiCo Magnet Properties AlNiCo’s relatively low coercive force (Hc) means that the magnet material is easily magnetised to saturation, as well as fully or partially demagnetized by external fields. This makes an AlNiCo magnet easy to magnetise when part of an assembly, but could…

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Sensor Magnets

Car Dashboard Magnetic Sensors

Sensors are used everywhere from vehicle engine management systems to Smartphones determining if the flip cover accessory is closed. Modern everyday life would be very different without sensors and the operation of many of these sensors rely on magnetism. As products evolve, so have the range and specification of sensor magnets. A magnetic sensor converts…

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