Magnetising 100,000 Loudspeaker Magnets Annually

A European manufacturer of high-specification loudspeakers has purchased a Bunting industrial magnetiser to magnetise over 100,000 ferrite loudspeaker magnets annually.  The new BMC150/LGC magnetiser will be installed at a new manufacturing facility. Industrial magnetisers charge and subsequently magnetise permanent magnets and magnet assemblies.  Bunting’s specialist industrial magnetisers are commonly bespoke for specific applications, being designed…

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Remote Magnetiser Monitoring and Problem Solving

Bunting BMC Industrial Magnet Charger

Bunting has designed, manufactured, and supplied a large Magnetiser and light-guarded Magnetising Fixture to an Italian electronics company.  Prior to despatch, the equipment was subject to a comprehensive two-day factory acceptance test with the customer. During the factory acceptance tests (FAT), Bunting’s commissioning engineers liaised with every stakeholder at the customer, checking on the operating…

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