Bunting Supports Brazilian University Understand Shape Anisotropy and Magnetic Texture

Bunting is supporting an international study into shape anisotropy and magnetic texture determination in anisotropic and isotropic AlNiCo magnets.  The research project is being undertaken by Professor Marcos Flavio de Campos, Leonardo Martins da Silva and José Adilson de Castro of the Federal Fluminense University, along with Dr Sergio Antonio Romero of the University of…

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Magnets for Revolutionary Solar Car

Bunting is supporting the Brunel Solar Team with specialist magnets and technical support in the development of their Nuna 12S solar powered car.  The Nuna 12S will complete with other teams in the 16th Sasol Solar Challenge (September 2024), driving from Johannesburg to Cape Town in South Africa. The Brunel Solar Team promote sustainability through…

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Bunting Magnet Test and Development Centre Investment

Bunting magnet and test development centre

Bunting has invested in expanding their Test and Development Centre at Berkhamsted in the UK where they specialise in the design, test and build of a wide range of magnet and magnetic technologies.  Bunting’s Berkhamsted operation is responsible for the design and manufacture of magnets, magnet assemblies, and magnetising equipment.  The range of applications for…

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Magnets and the Curie Temperature

Curie Temperature

The term “Curie temperature (Tc)” or “Curie point” gets frequently mentioned when discussing magnets and magnetic properties.  The Curie temperature relates to the maximum temperature a material can reach before losing its magnetic properties.  On reaching a magnetic material’s Curie temperature, the spontaneous magnetisation in the material drops to zero.  At this point, the material…

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New Pot Magnet Selection Guide

Ferrite Limpet Pot Magnets

‘Pot Magnets’ are magnets housed inside a steel shell that protects the magnet against corrosion resistance and increases robustness.  Pot Magnet applications are both wide and varied and Bunting’s new simplified product selection guide assesses different application and design criteria to select the optimum Pot Magnet. The Selection Process When considering the optimum Pot Magnet…

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Magnets and Magnet Assemblies for Defence Applications

Magnetic assemblies for defense

Globally, permanent rare earth magnets play a major role in defence technology.  They feature in a diverse range of applications including missile guidance systems, disk-drive motors in aircraft and tanks, satellite communications, and radar and sonar systems.  Indeed, rare earth magnets are a critical component of a vast number of cutting-edge defence applications and a…

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Permanent Magnet Motors Providing Key Benefits

White drone motor close up on a black background

Permanent magnet motors are electric motors using permanent magnets in addition to windings.  Such motor designs are more efficient than induction motors or motors with field windings for certain high-efficiency applications such as electric vehicles and small electric motors such as found on drones and in car windshield wipers. Both AC and DC motors benefit…

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Rare Earth Magnets in Electric Vehicle Motors

Electric Vehicle Plugged in and charging

The global move towards the electrification of vehicles continues to gather momentum.  In 2010, the number of electric cars on the world’s roads reached 7.2 million, of which 46% were in China (iea.org/reports/global-ev-outlook-2020).  By 2030, the number of electric cars is expected to swell to 250 million, a massive growth in a relatively short time.…

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Bunting-Berkhamsted 2020 Review

Bunting Berkhamsted 2020 photos

On January 1st, nobody could have predicted the challenges businesses would face in 2020. Despite the restrictions and obstacles presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, companies adapted and continued to design and manufacture as they supported customers. December provides the ideal opportunity to reflect on many of Bunting-Berkhamsted’s positive news stories shared in 2020. A Positive…

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Magnet Comparison: Neodymium and Samarium Cobalt Rare Earth Magnets

Battle of the Rare Earth Magnets

Neodymium Iron Boron NdFeB (i.e. Neodymium) and Samarium Cobalt SmCo are both ultra-strong rare-earth permanent magnets.  Both are brittle in nature and subject to catastrophic damage if subject to severe impact (i.e. dropping).  However, that is where the similarity ends and, when selecting a magnet material for a specific application, our design engineers assess each…

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